Educating College Students about IUDs & Implants

Beyond the Pill supports efforts to educate students about effective contraception, including IUDs and implants, on college campuses throughout the US.

Beyond the Pill works with college faculty and health staff to support students to achieve their academic goals by providing them with the information they need to avoid unplanned pregnancy. We provide customized presentations and educational materials on effective contraception, including IUDs and contraceptive implants. College-level instructors and health center staff are using our presentation materials to conduct outreach and education in the classroom. In February 2015, through a collaboration with a clinical instructor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, more than 300 students saw our college student presentation, and several of them commented that the material was very interesting, comprehensive and relevant to them. Bixby’s Beyond the Pill Health Educator was able to phone in before the presentation to give students an introduction, answer questions and provide some context for the discussion of IUDs and implants.

If you would like to use our materials to present in your classroom or as an outreach presentation to a student group on campus, please contact Connie Folse. We would be happy to discuss customizing our presentation to fit your group!

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