Meet Our Advisory Boards
Beyond the Pill seeks a broad range of expertise and perspectives from professionals and community members to guide its training, education, and research activities. Our advisory boards include community members and subject matter experts who bring lived experience and expertise to our research and training programs.
Training Advisory Board
The Training Advisory Board comprises clinicians, clinic administrators, health educators, reproductive justice advocates, and researchers who ensure that Beyond the Pill’s Training Program continues to meet the needs of clinic staff and advance the field of reproductive health.
Community Advisory Board
The Community Advisory Board (CAB) comprises nine professionals from Texas, California, and national organizations, each working to enhance the health and well-being of community college students. The CAB is instrumental in aligning our research, training and education with the shifting needs and priorities of this community.
Youth Advisory Board
The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) comprises young people from diverse backgrounds, all either current or former community college students. The YAB plays a pivotal role in integrating youth perspectives into Beyond the Pill’s work with community colleges in California and Texas and initiatives to reach and educate young people across the country. Through regular meetings, brainstorming sessions, and collaborative projects, the YAB collaborates with organizational leaders to ensure that youth voices are heard and respected in decision-making processes.